GAPPT Committees

The GAPPT continues to grow due to the participation of its members... Members like you! If you are interested in serving on a committee, please complete the Committee Interest Form or contact the GAPPT Board Development Chair.

Affiliate Committee

Chairperson: AJ Baltozer

The Affiliate Committee is responsible for supporting the mission of the GAPPT and its educational initiatives through the input of ideas and resources. (This committee is open to Affiliates only, and all Affiliate members are automatically included.)  Learn more about the Affiliate Committee's responsibilities here.

Audit Committee

Chairperson: Bryce Riddle, CRPF™

The Audit Committee is responsible for reviewing and determining that the financial affairs of the association are in order. Learn more about the Audit Committee's responsibilities here.

Board Development Committee

Chairperson: Brian Smith, CRPF™

The Board Development Committee is responsible for ensuring continuity of leadership on the Board of Directors and the Association’s Standing Committees. Learn more about the Board Development Committee's responsibilities here.

Communications Committee

Chairperson: Greg White

The Communications Committee is responsible for communications with membership via the quarterly newsletter, as well as information placed on the association's website. Learn more about the Communication Committee's responsibilities here.

Finance Committee

Chairperson: David Harris, CRPF™

The Finance Committee is responsible for reporting the financial condition of the association to the Board of Directors and the membership. The association's treasurer serves as the chair of the Finance Committee. Learn more about the Finance Committee's responsibilities here.

Government Affairs Committee

Chairperson: Morgan Wurst, CRPF™

The Government Affairs Committee is responsible for maintaining a liaison with the Georgia General Assembly and informing the membership of important legislative and legal developments. Learn more about the Government Affairs Committee's responsibilities here.

Marketing Committee

Chairperson: Allison Corbally, CRPF™

Originally established as a subcommittee in 2022, the Marketing Committee was formally approved as a GAPPT Standing Committee in 2024. Responsibilities include developing initiatives for Board-approved outreach, identifying ways to increase the GAPPT’s name or brand recognition, increasing its social media presence, and reviewing consistency in its branding. Learn more about the Marketing Committee's responsibilities here.

Membership Committee

Chairperson: Chris Vassilopoulos

The Membership Committee is responsible for recruiting new members. Learn more about the Membership Committee's responsibilities here.

Program Committee

Chairperson: Jonathan Davidson, CRPF™

The Program Committee is responsible for establishing educational and developmental programs for GAPPT members. Learn more about the Program Committee's responsibilities here.

Current Program Committee Members:

  • Fred Bailey, CRPF™ (City of Savannah Employees' Pension Plan)
  • AJ Baltozer, (DWS)
  • Brandt Barlow, CRPF™ (Peace Officers' Annuity & Benefit Fund of Georgia) - CRPF™ Leadership Team Member
  • David Barnes (NEPC)
  • Ramona Bivins, CRPF™ (Clayton County Public Schools) - CRPF™ Leadership Team Member
  • Kevin Campbell, CRPF™(Taurus Private Markets) - CRPF™ Leadership Team Member
  • Youlanda Carr (City of Atlanta Pension Board)
  • Jonathan Davidson, CRPF™ (Foster & Foster, Inc.) - Program Committee Chair
  • Lashanda Dawkins, CRPF™ (Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority)
  • Grant Duncan(Brandes Investment Partners) - CRPF™ Leadership Team Member
  • Christopher Gibson (Ariel Investments)
  • Joe Griffin (Foster & Foster) - CRPF™ Leadership Team Member
  • Rob Gronda (ABS Real Estate Investments)
  • Matt Hamby, CRPF™ (City of Flowery Branch)
  • David Harris, CRPF™ (Gwinnett County Public Schools)
  • Mindy Johnson, (Fiduciary Trust International)
  • Tim Milligan, CRPF™ (Georgia Firefighters' Pension Fund)
  • Tracy Ransom, CRPF™ (Georgia Firefighters' Pension Fund) - CRPF™ Leadership Team Member
  • Keisha Register, CRPF™ (City of Marietta)
  • Chris Reynolds, CRPF™ (Fiduciary Services Unlimited)
  • Ron Shipman (Macon Water Authority)
  • Kevin Spanier (Gallagher)
  • Andrew Stephens, CRPF™ (Fulton County Employees Retirement System)
  • Gwelda Swilley (AndCo Consulting)
  • David Ward, CRPF™(MARTA ATU Local 732 Employees Retirement Plan)
  • Lawrence Watts (Nyhart) - CRPF™ Leadership Team Member
  • Morgan Wurst, CRPF™ (Georgia Firefighters' Pension Fund)

Rules Committee

Chairperson: Ramona BivinsCRPF™

The Rules Committee is responsible for recommending issues of governance for the Board of Directors and the Association. The vice president serves as chair of the Rules Committee. Learn more about the Rules Committee's responsibilities here.